Home News Nokia regional Twitter / Facebook accounts will see name change to Microsoft...

Nokia regional Twitter / Facebook accounts will see name change to Microsoft Lumia soon



Nokia SAAnd the Nokia to Microsoft Lumia re-branding continues!!

It is now turn of the regional Nokia Twitter & Facebook accounts to see the change in their profile names to “Microsoft Lumia”. Nokia SA Twitter account has already announced it and if you go and check URL of any of the Nokia regional Facebook accounts, you will see the changed URL like,

https://www.facebook.com/MicrosoftLumiaUS?fref=ts  for Nokia USA

https://www.facebook.com/MicrosoftLumiaIn?fref=ts  for Nokia India and so on..

So, ultimately these all profiles will be called as (Microsoft Lumia + region name). Not only the regional Nokia Facebook accounts, the main “Windows Phone” Facebook account will also be renamed as “Microsoft Lumia” and it will be the main Microsoft Lumia Facebook handle.

So, it seems Windows Phone Twitter handle will become main “Microsoft Lumia Twitter handle”!!

But, the main Nokia Facebook handle doesn’t show the change in URL and seem like its Twitter counterpart, it will be back to Nokia soon. 17th November is not too far away, anyways.

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