Home Reviews Comparisons Nokia 9 PureView vs Sony Xperia 1 camera comparison in challenging lighting...

Nokia 9 PureView vs Sony Xperia 1 camera comparison in challenging lighting conditions


Numerous comparisons against top camera smartphone competitors have established well how Nokia 9 PureView camera excels in sheer imaging quality. Here is one more camera comparison that pits Nokia 9 PureView against Sony Xperia 1.

The comparison has been done in challenging lighting conditions and Nokia 9 PureView seems to do well against Sony’s flagship camera smartphone. First up is a crop comparison that shows a similar scene captured with both cameras and Nokia 9 PureView has certainly done a better job in terms of capturing better details and handling the lighting better.

Here are more comparison sets posted by on Twitter. Nokia 9 PureView captured images are on the right in both sets.

So, while in extreme low-light conditions Nokia 9 PureView camera doesn’t seem to create “HDR paintings” like Google Pixel 3 and most of the other camera smartphones, in challenging lighting conditions it can do better than others.

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