Home Reviews Comparisons Nokia 8.1 vs Nokia 8 performance comparison (Speed Test)

Nokia 8.1 vs Nokia 8 performance comparison (Speed Test)


Nokia 8.1 is the recently announced value flagship in Nokia 2018 smartphone range and price wise succeeds both Nokia 7 Plus and Nokia 8. It is powered by Snapdragon 710 processor, launched by Qualcomm to fill the gap between mid-range chips like Snapdragon 660 and flagship Snapdragon 845.

Nokia 8 is powered by the 2017 flagship Snapdragon 835 processor and has always filled us with awe with its blazing fast speed. So, how does Nokia 8.1 compare to Nokia 8 when it comes to real-life performance?

While winner of Snapdragon 835 vs Snapdragon 710 comparison may be an easy guess on papers it is always interesting to see how it plays out in the real-life. So, in this hands-on comparison we started with basic tasks, moved to browsing and finally heavy gaming.

While doing speed tests side-by-side we also kept on launching heavy games until the time the apps/games start restarting from the background. Just to inform both Nokia 8 and Nokia 8.1 have 4GB RAM and both are on Android Pie. The speed test reveals how close Snapdragon 710 is to Snapdragon 835 in terms of real-life performance. Check the video below and lets us know your opinion in comments.

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