We just posted Nokia 7.1 Cameras review and comparison vs Nokia 6.1 Plus camera. In this comparison article we are comparing Nokia 7.1 imaging performance with the Google Camera app vs the default Nokia Camera app. In case you want to install Google Camera app on Nokia 7.1 you can use this download link.

In all the comparison sets below Google Camera image is on the top followed by Nokia Camera image. We have used 100% crops of original images for daylight and original images for the low-light comparison. You can check full-size images by clicking here, if you want to do the comparison yourself.

Nokia 7.1 Google Camera vs Nokia Camera daylight:

The 100% crop comparison sets confirm that HMD has worked hard to tweak the algorithms of Nokia Camera app and now it can give Google Camera app a good fight when it comes to capturing details. Though there are some more areas of improvement. For example in the second set there is more processing than required that kills some details from the sand and the pavement. But in the first set Nokia Camera does seem to give Google Camera app a run for its money.

Nokia 7.1 Google Camera vs Nokia Camera low-light:

The first low-light comparison set was captured in slightly better lighting while the second set belongs to almost dark conditions. Google Camera app images have slightly more illumination but more noise too. This clearly reflects in ISO level of 9600 used by Google Camera as compared to the ISO level of 6400 used by Nokia Camera app for the images in second set.

In fact, Nokia 7.1 default Camera keeps it closer to the real lighting condition still gathering good amount of light.

Final Words:

The default camera app on Nokia 7.1 shows the work that HMD imaging team has already done to improve the software part of Nokia smartphones cameras. If you compare now Nokia Camera app not only gives tough competition to Google Camera app in capturing good-quality images but can even do better in some conditions.

It may be debatable whether HMD may still try to get more details and illumination even with more noise like the Google Camera does, but there must be a fine balance somewhere and I personally like the Nokia Camera app on Nokia 7.1.