I was using two youtube apps,” pockettube” and “Youtube downloader” for obvious reasons.Both are free and functional apps one for good video browsing and other for video downloading.

But now famous youtube application Cutetube which is available for other major OSes is available for Symbian devices and best part is that it is free in case of Symbian.Below are some screenshots of the app on My N8.










Given below is the download link for the Cutetube client.


If you have an earlier version installed on your device, you will probably need to remove it before installing.If you experience a black screen when first launching cuteTube, then you will most likely need to install the following:
Qt 4.7.4 for Symbian Anna, available here.
Qt Mobility 1.2.1 for Symbian Anna, available here.
Qt Components 1.1 for Symbian, available here.
You should install these in the order listed.

Happy youtube surfing and downloading then!!