Home Windows Phone News Windows Phone Apps & Games AppStretch, new service by Team ADduplex allows crowdsourcing feature ideas for apps...

AppStretch, new service by Team ADduplex allows crowdsourcing feature ideas for apps & games


AdDuplex has  just launched a new product called AppStretch , a new service that allows crowd sourcing feature ideas for apps & games. AppStretch supports apps in all 3 major app stores: iOS and Mac App Store, Google Play and Windows Store.

AdDuplex Stated:

AppStretch is our new service to help independent app and game developers crowdsource feature ideas for their great apps and games, crowdfund implementation of these features and crowd-promote their availability. Developers direct their loyal fans to AppStretch to provide ideas for the features they’d like to see in the future versions and vote by pledging support with either money or promotion via their social networks accounts. Based on these feature requests, or their own ideas, developers can launch crowdfunding campaigns to collect support for the implementation and derisk their time investment.

Sign up Link

More information about AppStretch can be found in announcement blog post


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