Home Nokia Mobile news Nokia Android Smartphones Android 10 for Nokia 3.2, 4.2 & 7.2 adds Dark Theme quick-action...

Android 10 for Nokia 3.2, 4.2 & 7.2 adds Dark Theme quick-action button.


Nokia 7.2 started receiving the official Android 10 update. While it gets all the changes and new features that other Nokia smartphones received with Android 10 it seems to have added one more useful feature.

Update: Dark Theme quick-action button is available on Nokia 3.2 and 4.2 too after Android 10 upgrade.

One of our readers was able to find a “Dark Theme” quick-action button that will allow one to quickly toggle between Android 10 Dark and Light modes it seems.

Nokia 8.1 has also received a new Android 10 build that also brings some changes as reported by readers. One of the changes noticed is about Netflix now supporting full HD streaming.

The other change that Nokia 8.1 has received is about the WiFi quick action button no more showing WiFi frequency information. Do let us know in the comments if you can find more changes.

Thanks hotlain for the tip. Cheers!!

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