Many of you wanted us to do a comparison between Lumia 830 and Lumia 925 / Lumia 920 cameras. Knowing that Lumia 925 has a slightly better camera than Lumia 920, we planned to do a Lumia 830 vs Lumia 925 comparison.

We will cover the full comparison in three articles for daylight stills, low-light and video capture comparison separately.

So, in the current article, we will see how the two cameras compare to each other when it comes to daylight imaging. Frankly speaking, Lumia 830 camera is simply better than Lumia 925’s camera when it comes resolving details. In fact, we didn’t need to go to 200% crop level as the difference is pretty clear even at 100% crop levels. In all the sets Lumia 925 crop is on top followed by Lumia 830 crop at the bottom.

Lumia 925 vs Lumia 830.1 Lumia 925 vs Lumia 830.2 Lumia 925 vs Lumia 830You can easily notice, how much more detailed and sharper Lumia 830 images are as compared to Lumia 925 images. Given Lumia 830’s small sensor-size, the PureView team has certainly succeeded in surprising us.

Catch full-size images (used in comparison and otherwise) here.