Lumia 650 vs Lumia 850

So, the same source that has leaked Lumia 650 and Lumia 850 White render images earlier has done some comparison between devices now. So, if the render comparison above is anywhere close to accurate, the Lumia 850 may have a 5.5” display instead of a 5.7” that has been rumored earlier. While we have shared some info about Lumia 650 specs via our sources we can’t vouch for Lumia 850 specs yet.

The tipster has also posted some Lumia 850 cases found on Alibaba, that look custom-made for Lumia 850. You can check all the Lumia 850 leaked images by clicking here. Worth mentioning is the fact that there are no cases for Lumia 750 on Alibaba, though these never confirm anything as such.

You can read why we believe that one higher-end mid-ranger is coming from Microsoft in Q1 2016.

Lumia 850 cover 1

Lumia 850 cover 2
